Setting up Kahana Payouts with Stripe

Everything you need to know about connecting Stripe to Kahana

Kahana has recently integrated with Stripe to provide creators and experts with a secure payment gateway. 

This integration allows you to receive payments for access to your hubs. Stripe's sophisticated security protocols guarantee that transactions are safe and secure, giving you peace of mind when receiving payments through Kahana.

To set up Kahana for payouts, you must follow a simple process. First, click the "3 dots" icon on any hub and then click "Edit monetization." From there, you will be taken to a standard Stripe onboarding flow that allows you to connect a bank account, provide some general information, and verify your identity.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you set up Kahana for payouts with Stripe:

  1. Step 1: Navigate to the hub you want to monetize and click on the "3 dots" icon.
  2. Step 2: Click on "Edit monetization."
  3. Step 3: You will be taken to a Stripe onboarding page where you will be prompted to either sign into an existing account or create a new account. 
  4. Step 4: On the next pages, you will be prompted to provide some general information such as your business type, your business name, and your business address. Please enter the information accordingly.
  5. Step 5: You will be prompted to connect a bank account. Follow the instructions provided by Stripe to connect your bank account.
  6. Step 6: After connecting your bank account, you will be prompted to verify your identity. Stripe may ask you to upload a copy of your ID and to provide additional information to complete this step.
  7. Step 7: Once you have completed the identity verification process, you will be taken back to Kahana. Your hub is now set up for payouts!

In conclusion, setting up Kahana for payouts with Stripe is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly and easily set up your account and start receiving payments for access to your hubs. If you encounter any issues during this process, please reach out to our support team at [insert support email]. We are happy to help!

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