Privacy and security overview

Here’s everything you need to know about privacy and security

Your security, safety, and privacy is our top priority, and we build Kahana accordingly.

We know you've entrusted us with valuable data, and we take its security very seriously. We've provided an overview of our foundation and security.

Our foundation: built and hosted securely on the Google Cloud

Google Cloud products regularly undergo independent verification of their security, privacy, and compliance controls, achieving certifications, attestations, and audit reports to demonstrate compliance. They've also created resource documents and mappings for compliance support when formal certifications or attestations may not be required or applied.

Google Cloud undergoes a regular third-party audit to certify individual products against the SOC 2 standard. 

Will other people be able to see my private Hubs and data?

Only you will have access to your private Hubs. If someone tries to navigate to your Hub without having access, they'll see a page that lets them know that they do not have the correct permission state to access that content.

If you enable a shareable link using the Share menu at the top right of a Hub, anyone with the link can access that Hub. This is always turned off by default.

If you're sharing a Hub with others, any uploads and drafts will be visible to everyone in the Hub.

If your Hub is set to Private, you are the only person who can view any uploads or drafts.

Does Kahana use my data for advertising?

Kahana does not use your data, sell it to others, or use it for advertising. It's your data, period.

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